
Braylon Edwards Arrested for DUI

Braylon Edwards, wide receiver for the New York Jets, was arrested in New York at 5:15 a.m. on September 21, 2010 for driving under the influence, according to a New York Criminal Lawyer.
The arrest followed a big win against New England on Sunday and a charity event. He was pulled over in New York City, early in the morning and registered 0.16 on a Breathalyzer test – twice the limit New York legal driving limit for blood alcohol content, according to a New York Criminal Lawyer.
Should the arrest lead to a suspension, this could mean some big changes for the Jets. Their passing game will have to change, as will their style of offense. Another top receiver on the Jets is already on the bench for violating NFL rules, which means putting the pressure on other players. The Jets may have to run the ball a lot more than they’re used to.
The Jets recently saw quite a bit of controversy due to the much-publicized Inez Sainz incident. Brooklyn Criminal Lawyers also know this is not the first time there has been trouble for Braylon Edwards. His fans know this could be a major problem for the Jets in the future, should he end up being absent during the season, even if it is only for a few games. The results of his arraignment are not yet known, as if this writing. Whatever the result, it is sure to be momentous for the New York Jets and their fans.
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