
Brothers Admit Guilt in Copyright Infringement Case

Two brothers in Barboursville have pled guilty to copyright infringement on cargo, according to a New York Criminal Lawyer. The men were dealing with cargo that they also stored illegally within the city limits. The men were in the process of having the goods shipped in to another city and then sold for a profit when they were caught in a sting-like operation. The men did not resist arrest and have been cooperating with authorities who are trying the case.
A New York Criminal Lawyer says the men held $360,000 in goods, which was mostly CD and DVDs that were imported from Mexico. The CDs were mostly made from of Spanish music from multiple artists, whose names were not released. There were also DVDs that were pornographic in nature that had a value of close to $65,000. The goods were held in a storage unit within the city that officials were able to trace to the brothers. In New York City and Queens these can be also treated as sex crimes.
The men admitted the material was pirated when they were questioned by police. They turned over books that showed they dealt with people in a multi-state area to sell their goods. The N York Criminal Lawyer claims that close to a million dollars’ worth of transactions were noted in the books that were turned over to them. They may be facing additional charges since multiple states are involved with their operation. They could also strike plea deals if they cooperate and turn over names of other people who were working with them.

A New York Criminal Attorney is trained in any matter related to criminal cases. Consult a New York Criminal Attorney if you or a friend face such a charge. Do not try and represent yourself in court when a New York Criminal Attorney can do it for you. The Office of Stephen Bilkis and Associates can offer you support and guidance as well as a free consultation when you contact us at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW. We have offices in New York City, including Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and The Bronx and in Nassau County, Suffolk County and Westchester County.

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