After a 911 call was placed, a man was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. A trucker was the one who placed the call, reports a New York Criminal Lawyer. The trucker said that the SUV was driving erratically and the truck driver felt that the driver of…
Articles Posted in Staten Island
Changes in Mississippi Immigration Law
The Mississippi Lawmakers told a New York Criminal Lawyer that they are one step closer to reaching the same decision about immigration law that Arizona has implemented and adopted. What this means is that soon Mississippi law enforcement can stop people at traffic stop lights and elsewhere and ask them…
Rock Singer facing jail sentence
An immigration official from the United States expressed concern to a New York Criminal Lawyer about the application that a CIA exile trainee filed in her jurisdiction. She noticed some red flags when she saw the answers that the exile put in his N400 form. When he was asked about…
Breaking the Law by carrying a gun
A police told a NY Criminal Lawyer that though a lot of people were frightened recently at a mall because they saw a man carrying his guns openly in the mall, he may not be liable. They think that he may not even have committed a crime. Advocates of gun…
Former TV Reporter in Philadelphia Accused in Slapping Incident—Acquitted
A former television news reporter became the news recently. The slapping incident allegedly occurred in a parking area at the United Nations (UN), when former WPIX reporter, Vince DeMentri was accused of slapping the chauffer of the Bahamian diplomat for blocking a press-only parking spot. He was charged soon after…