
Articles Posted in Rape


The Court of Appeals

The complainant and the defendant dated periodically for a period of time encompassing the past 13 years. The instant charge stems when the defendant is alleged to have picked up the complainant, thrown her over a couch, pushed her to the ground, and stomped on her groin, thereby causing her…


Matter of Karlin v McMahon

This is a proceeding wherein the petitioner made a FOIL request to the New York City Police Department in November 2007, requesting documents relating to his rape arrest. On 16 September 2008, petitioner commenced an Article 78 proceeding to challenge a determination by the NYPD denying his request. On 30…


This proceeding was originated by the Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus of JKB, filed in the Franklin County Clerk’s office on 30 March 2010.

This proceeding was originated by the Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus of JKB, filed in the Franklin County Clerk’s office on 30 March 2010. Petitioner, who is an inmate at the Bare Hill Correctional Facility, purported to challenge his continued incarceration in the custody of the New York…


If the legislature intended separate speedy trial guidelines for individual charges within a complaint, they would have so stated

A Kings Criminal Lawyer said that, this action arises out of the defendant’s alleged involvement in the sale of a quantity of marijuana possession to an undercover police officer on November 1, 1983. The defendant was arrested and subsequently arraigned on a misdemeanor accusatory instrument on November 2, 1983. On…


A complainant woman submits an application for an order of grant to leave

A complainant woman submits an application for an order of grant to leave to amend her complaint by bringing a sixth cause of action against a man and adding causes of action against him in negligence, negligent criminal representation and fraudulent concealment. She also submits an application for the modification…

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