
Articles Posted in Sex Crimes


Court Claims Jurisdiction in Domestic Violence Matter through IDV Courts

A man was charged with the offense of harassment in the second degree. Subsequently, the court issued an order of protection directing the man to stay away from the complainant and refrain from harassing, intimidating, threatening her, or committing any acts of domestic violence. After that, a misdemeanor charge of…


Court Determines if Evidence Submitted by Defendant is Inadmissable

A husband moved an action against his wife’s lawsuit to take a statement to be offered in court on his behalf by issuance of a request letter. The wife opposes the application of motion. It started when a wife alleges that she was a victim of domestic violence committed by…


Sex Offender Bring Case to Court Over Being Denied Housing Assistance

A man was convicted of sex crimes, including rape, sodomy and sex abuse. He was sentenced to concurrent prison terms of six to eighteen years for the rape and sodomy convictions and two to six years for the sex abuse convictions. According to the State Division of Criminal Justice Services…


Man with History of Domestic Violence Applies for Gun Permit

A man applied to the license division of the police department for a premises pistol permit. As required by the application, the man answered numerous questions pertaining to his qualification. The questions include as to whether he had ever been arrested and was an order of protection ever issued against…


Court Says Evidence is Protected by Common Law Victim-Counselor Privledge

A woman charged a man with criminal action of various felonies arising from alleged domestic violence. A non-profit corporation has moved to quash a subpoena issued by the District Attorney to provide the address and telephone number of the complainant of the criminal action. The non-profit corporation asserts that in…


Defendant Claims Forum Shopping in Domestic Violence Case

A man and a woman, never been married, have a 12 year old child. There have been 6 petitions previously filed between the parents, all in Rensselaer County Family Court (in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2010 and 2 in 2011). Two were withdrawn, three were settled and one is pending. The…


Domestic Violence Leads to Murder Case for Defendant

A couple married in 1982. The husband was a surgical resident while the woman stayed home. Their marriage was marked by frequent fights and quarrels. Both of them argued and threatened each other. A New York Sex Crimes Lawyer said that one year after they were married, the wife called…


Domestivc Violence Costs Correction Officer her Job

A woman filed a petition to terminate the decision of the commissioner of the department of correction. The decision is to terminate her employment as a probationary correction officer and directing that she be reinstated with back-pay and benefits. After the trial on the issue, the court finds that the…


Court Discusses Role of Counsel at Grand Jury Proceeding

A man indicted for drug crimes such as cocaine possession with intent to sell, denied that he had sold cocaine, but testified to his crack possession of three vials for his own use. A police officer testified that he observed the accused man receive money from an unidentified woman and…

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