
Articles Posted in Sex Crimes


County Investigation Results in Sex Arrests

Following an undercover police investigation that resembled a Dateline type sting, deputies in Florida arrested 21 men and one woman, ages from 20 to 59, according to a New York Criminal Lawyer. The arrests are the fruition of a week long investigation that brought individuals from different parts of the…


Police Uncover Child’s Remains on Long Island

A serial killer’s graveyard was thought only to contain the bodies of women, sources told a New York Criminal Lawyer. Police were therefore shocked to find the body of an infant or a child buried there. “One doesn’t match the others. It’s a young person, possibly as young as an…


Court Discusses New Program That Evicts Drug Dealers from Real Property

This summary holdover proceeding is brought by the New York County District Attorney’s office under a new program created by the Prosecutor’s office and other governmental agencies designed to evict drug dealers from residential and other real property used for illegal drug trade, business or manufacture pursuant to RPAPL Section…


Proof in Drug Possession Case Must be Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

The Drug Enforcement Task Force initiated an investigation into an organization in Brooklyn that was purportedly selling a brand name of heroin called “Raw”. As a result of that investigation, the defendant was convicted, after trial, of selling narcotics to an undercover police officer. The detective testified that on May…


Disturbing reports are very common particularly domestic violence issues wherein the victims are the wives and the children.

Because women are suppose to be physically weak there are some men who take advantage of this and physically abuse their partners, wives, daughters and others. Disturbing reports are very common, particularly domestic violence issues where the victims are the wives and the children. On March 7, 1997, the defendant…


This Case is all about Domestic Violence

Domestic violence whether we admit it or not has been a problem of society even during the early days. Unfortunately, the ultimate victims of this crime are the children. Often times a third party has to step in because both parents are incapable of recognizing that they are in a…


There’s nothing sadder than a mother maltreating her own children

There’s nothing sadder than a mother maltreating her own children. This case is about a mother who inspite of having four children already, still didn’t have the maternal instinct to care for her kids. She has two kids from her first partner and twins with a man reported to have…

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