
Changes in Mississippi Immigration Law

The Mississippi Lawmakers told a New York Criminal Lawyer that they are one step closer to reaching the same decision about immigration law that Arizona has implemented and adopted. What this means is that soon Mississippi law enforcement can stop people at traffic stop lights and elsewhere and ask them to show the appropriate immigration documents.
There are many who welcome this idea, but there are a lot of Mississippi residents that loathe the idea and consider it as a form of racism and profiling. According to the state reports, there was a lot of Hispanics that moved into Memphis, Mississippi in 1987. “A lot of these people are non-immigrants and do not have the right to stay in the country, said one Police Office to the New York Criminal Lawyer. A legislative bill is expected in Mississippi to hold every law professional such as the Police to check someone’s status of immigration if suspicious. People will also go through random checks even in places like Staten Island and Westchester County.
One resident of Mississippi is angry about it. She says she is an American and does not think that the Police should ask her of her immigrant status when they don’t ask people who come from Canada the same question.
However, a spokesperson explained that the Senate in Mississippi would get this bill passed. How it will work is that the police can ask for immigration records when they are involve with a traffic stop incident. The Senate wants to stop the threat of immigration and the problems that it causes.

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