
Drunk Driving Police Officer causes accident, says a Long Island Criminal Lawyer

An intoxicated New York City police officer was killed after causing a deadly car crash that also injured four others, according to a New York Criminal Lawyer. He had attended a surprise party for a fellow officer before the incident, and the guests at the event had seen the cop drinking. Two of the injured stated that they were just not aware of how intoxicated the driver was.

The 35 year old officer was driving his vehicle when he left the party just after 6AM on May 16th, reported a New York Criminal Lawyer. Another New York City police officer was one of the victims, as he had been riding in the car. The other cop, only 25, had also consumed alcohol at the party and had a blood alcohol level of .21. Both officers had been riding in the front seat of the car.

The driver had offered to drive the four victims home, despite his blood alcohol level of .16, which is twice the state ís legal driving limit of 0.08. All four victims were women, two of whom currently remain in critical condition. Two sisters were also seriously injured as a result of the automobile accident. The sisterís mother was angry that the police officersí reckless actions had landed her daughters in the hospital and caused their critical injuries such as a shattered pelvis, a spinal cord injury, and fractured legs.

If you have been accused of driving while intoxicated or impaired, contact Stephen Bilkis and Associates for your defense. Prosecutors take these cases very seriously, and therefore you should only be represented by the skilled legal counsel. Contact us today for a free consultation. We have offices to serve you throughout the New York City area, including locations in Manhattan, Staten Island, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens. We also have locations in Westchester County as well as Nassau County and Suffolk County on Long Island.

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