
Former Aide Receives Jobless Pay Despite Criminal Charges

A New York Criminal Lawyer has learned that a former county official that lost her job after being arrested on corruption charges has been collecting unemployment benefits. Her former boss had approved the unemployment benefits before he left office, even though she had been charged with more than one felony for her alleged part in bids for county projects. The charges allege that the former county official directed contract awards either to companies that she owns, or to companies that her friends own.

The current County Board President reported that the unemployment approval was in place before she took office. The county commissioners had originally directed the former Board President to fight the unemployment benefit claim, but the claim was processed and approved regardless.

There is much discussion in the county at this time, as to how the former county official can be eligible for unemployment benefits, given the fact that she had been fired, arrested, and charged with multiple felonies. Her former boss had filed for unemployment benefits himself after losing his reelection bid. His claim was denied since as an elected official he had not paid anything into the system, reported a Bronx Criminal Lawyer.

During a recent interview, the former County Board President could not understand how his filing for unemployment “was such a big story.” Yet during the course of the interview, he did not address why he had approved his aide’s claim for unemployment benefits when the county commissioners had requested that it be fought due to the fact that she was charged with crimes against the county and the taxpayers.

There was something that the former Board President did address in the recent interview. He stated that he is seeking employment with a hospital in Turkey. He went on to say just how excellent the health care is in Turkey, and how much cheaper it is than here in the United States. His implication, it would seem, is to discover just how the hospital system in Turkey can be so good, yet can provide health coverage to its citizens at affordable pricing.

The legal system can be very complicated and intimidating at times, it is important to seek legal counsel that has the skills to traverse the system for you in order to achieve your desired results. Whatever the charge, it is important to act promptly and contact Stephen Bilkis and Associates. We will ensure that your rights are protected through every stage of your legal proceedings.

We have offices throughout the New York area, including locations in Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens, the Bronx and Brooklyn. We also have locations in Nassau County and Suffolk County on Long Island, as well as Westchester County. Call us today for a free consultation at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW.

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