
Holiday DUI arrests down

A new year has started a new cycle in traffic related accidents and injuries, relates a New York Criminal Lawyer, and fortunately it seems to be a better year in many places. The worst time of the year for DUI arrests seems to be the two week period beginning a few days before Christmas and ending on January 2. 

Various reports suggest that the incidences of driving under the influence were fewer this last time around in many places, which is a positive step in the direction of making our roads safer for everyone, said Edward Goldberg, the New York City Criminal Lawyer. As more and more states crack down on the penalties for driving under the influence, a small decrease in arrests seems to be occurring, and this is encouraging to police and law enforcement officers. 

What makes the holiday season the most deadly time to be on the road? The holiday season is often seen as a magical time, when people are supposed to feel happier and more loving. In reality, most people are blindsided by the holidays and the stress of all of the extra financial expenses that come with it. 

The choice that many people opt for in this situation, suggests the New York Criminal Lawyer, is to lower their stress levels by engaging in some celebrating of their own, which invariably leads them behind the wheel. People who do not often drink tend to get drunk faster and make poor decisions easier. Their low tolerance to alcohol impairs them beyond what they realize and accidents increase. Perhaps this reduction in DWI arrests suggests a promising trend for the future that will improve safety on our roadways all year.

The Office of Stephen Bilkis and Associates can offer you support and guidance as well as a free consultation when you contact us at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW. We have offices in New York City, including Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and The Bronx and in Nassau County, Suffolk County and Westchester County.
It is for this reason that an experience New York Criminal Attorney is a great asset if you find yourself facing such a dilemma. Do not go into court without your best interest and freedom protected. Call a New York Criminal Attorney today.

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