
Man Caught Driving With BAC Three Times Higher Then the Legal Limit

Some people will say or do anything to justify themselves, and other people will freely admit their wrongdoings without the slightest hint of remorse, according to a New York Criminal Lawyer. In the case of a 23 year old man in Cape Coral, Florida, it seems that was attempting to both justify and dismiss his actions even though he was obviously completely intoxicated behind the wheel. 

According to the New York Criminal Lawyer, the man was pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving. He was so intoxicated that he told police that it was his birthday and he had been out celebrating at a local bar with friends. When the police ran the man’s information they discovered that the man’s birthday is actually in September. 

According to a statement by the NY Criminal Lawyer, after the man was given a breathalyzer test it was determined that he had a Blood Alcohol Content of .25, which far exceeds the legal driving limit in Florida and in most other states at .08. The man was so intoxicated that he told police that he thought that he might have hit a person who was biking, but he did not bother to stop because he was too drunk. 

It is known that alcohol affects our nervous system and our coordination and reasoning abilities, but as the New York City Criminal Lawyer describes, it seems to also give the illusion of justification and dismissal of responsibility when it is obviously not warranted. The amount of alcohol that the man would have had to consume in order to be that drunk is staggering. The amount of responsibility that he took for his condition was minimal. Thankfully, no one was injured. 

Making mistakes and taking responsibility for our mistakes is a part of life.

Stephen Bilkis and Associates can offer you support and guidance as well as a free consultation when you contact us at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW. We have offices in NY City, including Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and The Bronx and in Nassau County, Suffolk County and Westchester County. If you have a DUI or are involved in an accident resulting from DWI, call a New York Criminal Attorney today and let them help you. A good New York Criminal Attorney will help you take responsibility without being taken to the cleaners.

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