
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog


The issue in this case is whether respondent had failed to properly care for or supervise his four year old son.

In this Child Neglect proceeding under Article 10 of the Family Court Act (“FCA”), Petitioner Department of Social Services brought a Petition in December 2010 charging that the Respondent had failed to properly care for or supervise his four year old son. The subject child was placed with Respondent pursuant…


On appeal, the Appellate Division, Second Department, reversed defendant’s conviction

Defendant agreed to assist a confidential informant in obtaining a substantial quantity of peyote, a controlled substance. The confidential informant telephoned defendant and arranged the sale which formed the basis of the instant criminal charges. Thereafter, the informant and an undercover police officer drove to defendant’s home in Nassau County,…


The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed and remanded

Sometime in 1970, Congress enacted the Securities Investor Protection Act (SIPA), as amended, which authorized the formation of respondent corporation, a private nonprofit corporation, of which most broker-dealers registered under § 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, § 78o(b), are required to be members. Whenever respondent determines that…


The issue to be resolved in this case is whether the Court has jurisdiction over the case.

A company provides services as a third party benefits administrator of health benefit plans. The petitioner is the former principal owner and Chief Executive Officer of this company. In July 1995, Respondents purchased said benefit plans company from Petitioner. To ensure an orderly transition, the parties agreed that petitioner was…

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