
Preppie Killer’ Pleads Guilty in Drug Case-Have A New York Criminal Attorney By Your Side At Your Hearing

Robert Chambers, the “preppie killer,” who served 15 years in prison for strangling a woman in Central Park during what he said was rough sex is headed back into custody for a drug offense.

Robert Chambers pleaded guilty Monday criminal sale of a controlled substance and assault on a police officer. Chambers and his companion were arrested in October 2007 in an undercover operation at their NYC apartment on charges of dealing cocaine. With his New York Criminal Lawyer by his side Chambers stood before the Judge in open Court

If you or a family member is arrested in NYC, hiring a New York Criminal Lawyer is a smart move. Not having an attorney can lead to unwanted problems.

Chambers has been promised almost twenty years in prison when he is sentenced next month… this is according to the District Attorney. The perp will receive a sentence of six years on the assault charge. the sentence will run concurrently, and the prisoner will have five years of supervision folowing release.

A telephone call to Chambers’ Criminal attorney, Valerie Van Leer-Greenberg, was not immediately returned Monday.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates and its NY Crime Lawyers with offices in the New York Metropolitan Area including Rockaway, Queens New York can be of great assistance to you if you find yourself a defendant in a criminal case. Facing charges without experienced professional representation could lead to terrible results.

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