
Second Man Held in Walker Case-A New York Criminal Lawyer Can Help You

Javon Walker was beaten and robbed in Las Vegas and now another man has been arrested and charged with the crime. Deshawn L. Thomas was taken into custody and held at the Clark County jail.

Walker was was hospitalized after being found at the scene of the crime. He was injured badly and missing a large sum of money and thousands of dollars of jewelry.

Thomas joins Arfat Fadel who was arrested shortly after the attack on Walker.

The two were caught on surveillance videotapes at some of the places where Walker was spotted on the night of June 15. The two thugs followed Walker and attacked him in his drunk state which made him easy prey for the two criminal.

Walker said he was grabbed from behind, and knocked unconscious and didn’t know who his assailants were.

If you or a family member is arrested, you should consult a NY Criminal Lawyer who will help you to establish your innocence and give you the best chance of justice. You’ll most likely regret not having a New York Criminal Attorney.

Walker was first drafted by the Green Bay Packers and later traded to the Broncos in 2006. He was released by Denver and then by The Raiders.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates and its New York Crime Attorneys with convenient locations helps people throughout the Metropolitan Area including Bay Ridge, Broooklyn, NY and can be of a great deal of assistance to you if you find yourself arrested in a criminal action. Facing charges without good legal representation could lead to disastrous results.

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