
Teacher Confesses to Child Porn Possession

A prep school teacher has become what some consider to be “a parent’s worst nightmare” after pleading guilty to child pornography charges, sources told a Nassau County Sex Crimes Lawyers.
The 28-year-old teacher admitted to using an internet file-sharing program to download videos of children engaged in sexual activities.
“I did use it to download material considered to be child pornography,” the ex-teacher told a federal district judge as the ex-teacher and his family sat in a nearly empty courtroom.
The ex-teacher started teaching fourth- and fifth-graders at a number of elite schools since 2005. Investigators traced the pornographic material to the house of the teacher’s father between September 2007 and May 2010.
“[The ex-teacher] is a parent’s worst nightmare – a person entrusted with the well-being of their children who is avidly consuming child pornography on the side,” a U.S. attorney informed. “He will be punished for his crime and will never be in close proximity to children again.”
Prosecutors wanted the ex-teacher to be jailed until he is sentenced on June 27, because he may spend up to five years in prison, but the judge allowed him to remain free on $50,000 bail.
“The one thing I will insist on is that he not be involved in any kind of stuff with children,” the judge said. The ex-teacher had no comment on the matter. A NYC Criminal Lawyer and those in Suffolk and Westchester Counties are well aware that certain judges are very harsh when it comes to sex crimes and in involvement of children in them.

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