A police told a NY Criminal Lawyer that though a lot of people were frightened recently at a mall because they saw a man carrying his guns openly in the mall, he may not be liable. They think that he may not even have committed a crime.
Advocates of gun rights agreed that the man may not have been legally liable, but not because he could carry a gun in public should he have done so. It is a selfish act for him not to think about the fear that he would put in the hearts of the people who would see him. He has a duty to society to act responsibly and not to make people fear for their safety and existence.
It was the Police that told the Brooklyn Criminal Lawyer that they had received numerous 911 calls that Saturday morning about a man carrying a rifle and hand gun openly. When they went to investigate the incident, they found that the man was indeed carrying a rifle and a hand gun in plain sight, but the guns were not loaded. The management of the mall was very angry about the situation and asked the Police to remove the man from their establishment. With so many terrorism incidents taking place, the mall personnel did not want to leave anything to chance.