A Police Officer told a New York Criminal Lawyer about the DUI incident with celebrity and former teen star, David Cassidy, who was a singer and actor during the 1970s. The Police Officer indicated that the star is assumed to be ready to enter a please of guilty. He also have the option of entering a please of no contest. The sentencing hearing took place a few months after the incident and David Cassidy was charged with a DUI not drug possession.
The Police Officer indicated that on the day of the sentencing, the Judge declared a postponement of the sentencing. However, his lawyer opted to have him enter a plea in written format for the DUI charges against him. The police report indicated that Mr. Cassidy could not stay in his lane and when stopped, the police found open alcohol containers in his vehicle, which was in violation of the law.
The Police Officer explained to the NY Criminal Lawyer, “David Cassidy was allowed to not appear at the hearing because it was a misdemeanor charge and his lawyer would stand on his behalf and enter the plea for him. “