Articles Posted in New York

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A group of citizens told a New York Criminal Lawyer that a couple was blamed for having videotaped their toddler who is 23 months old and was allegedly smoking pot. The couple was arraigned in court for charges of negligence.

The police told reporters that they got a tip about the incident from an anonymous person. The Sheriff of the country went to the accused couple’s home and found the twenty year old mother and 24 year old father of the child. The police said that the video did, in fact, show that the toddler was smoking pot from a pipe. This incident occurred about three times. The pipe had residue of marijuana in it as seen on the video. The video has become the main evidence in the case and will be kept into evidence and not released.

The parents were charged for child cruelty and neglect. An investigation into the case was done and that was when the couple was officially charged. Both parents were not booked at the same time. The mother was brought into custody first and then the father surrendered the next day.

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In Arizona, the controversy continues surrounding the status of illegal immigrants. Despite recent legislative changes in the treatment of illegal immigrants, little has been solved regarding the treatment of these people who are living in the United States illegally. The United States Border Patrol has enacted new policy which includes sending illegal immigrants back across the border.

The new unofficial policy is to send anyone illegally crossing the United States-Mexico border to be sent back to Mexico instead of being arrested. Local law official say that sending people back to Mexico does little to solve the problem; they report that people tend to make multiple attempts to cross the border if the first attempt is unsuccessful.

There are some accusations that the new policy is politically motivated. The theory is that the change in policy is attempting to keep the number of border arrests down to improve the security statistics. By sending the border crossers back to Mexico, the number of arrests along the border has decreased and politicians are using this statistic to suggest that the US-Mexico border has become more secure.

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