Articles Posted in DWI / DUI

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Police told reporters that two people where involve in an incident associated with road rage. Apparently, the two began to quarrel in a nightclub. This is where the incident started. Both left the nightclub and the result was a car accident on the highway later on that night.

The woman faced probation instead of being charged. The twenty three year old woman made the admission that she was DWI on that night when the collision of the cars took place. One car had six occupants including the driver when they were pulled over by the police.

The woman, a medical receptionist, received two and a half year probation infraction. The Judge found her to be guilty of driving while intoxicated and her actions caused endangerment. She was also cited with six infractions of assault using a deadly weapon, which was her car.

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The mother of LeBron James, major star of the Miami Heat, was arrested on charges of assault, battery and disorderly intoxication. A contentious encounter with a valet at a Miami Beach hotel ended with the arrest.

The 43-year-old woman was arrested because she reportedly struck a valet around 5 a.m. in the morning, Miami Beach police told Long Island Criminal Attorneys.

Sources revealed, the woman requested her vehicle from the valet, who brought it to the valet ramp, where it was left running for 30 minutes as James’s mother talked to other hotel patrons. After that, the valet turned off the car and gave the keys to the valet cashier.

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A couple in Maryland were each charged with DUI, among other charges, after causing a three-car crash in Seaford, Delaware.

The crash occurred around 11:05 p.m. on U.S. 13 according to Stare Police.

A 31-year-old woman was following a 30-year-old man back to their home, driving down U.S. 13 when the 30-year-old man came to a sudden stop in his Ford Crown Victoria. The driver behind him slammed her Pontiac Grand Am into the rear of his car.

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Jaime Pressly decided to cancel some of her scheduled appearances at various Las Vegas clubs after she pled not-guilty to DUI charges last week. Jaime had been arrested for DUI in January when she was spotted swerving on the road while she drove. When she was pulled over and given a field sobriety test, her blood alcohol was over .20, says a New York Criminal Lawyer. Since she was over that set mark, she was required to go to a hospital after jail and had to pay a higher bail amount in order to get out.

Jaime is having a string of personal issues right now. Jaime is facing a divorce from her husband of less than two years. She is also potentially facing a custody battle with her three year old son’s father over her DUI arrest. Jaime is also faces charges that she owes a lot of money in taxes, according to reports.

Jaime is out on bail and awaiting her trial to face sentencing. She pled not guilty to the DUI charge, even though the court has her blood alcohol levels in their file. Whether her lawyer or Jaime herself made the decision, staying away from the clubs and promoting parties was probably a move to help both her custody case and that of what her sentence will be for the DUI. Her lawyer told a Criminal Lawyer in NYC that she hopes she can get probation or community service from her trial. Police in Staten Island and Suffolk County are on the lookout for drunk drivers since they are dangerous to all and cause so many accidents, some of which are fatal.

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According to a report obtained two individuals have been severely injured when they were involved in a traffic accident. The driver which caused the accident was drunk and well over the legal limit. Because of this the crash was completely preventable.

The report states that two people were involved in a head on crash while traveling on highway 46 on Saturday. The car was travelling west along highway 46 when he crossed into the lane heading east. The police believe he was over the safe drink driving limit and should not have been behind the wheel. Cars were forces to swerve to avoid the car which was driving on the wrong side of the highway at speed. However, the drunk driver continued driving on the wrong side of the road very quickly.Thus, the allegation of DWI

Two of the people in the cars which were hit by the drunk driver were trapped inside. These needed fire services to help free them from their vehicle. Removing the drives from their vehicles was time consuming because of their severe injuries. The injured drivers could not be moved suddenly because it was not clear exactly which types of injuries they had. If the people were moved too quickly then this could have caused extensive injuries including back problems.

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The attorney for a convicted murderer has introduced a new aspect to the case. The convict may sometimes have trouble trying to “appreciate the wrongfulness of his conduct” because of a brain injury. If the attorney is successful in his plea, his client may get an exceptional sentence that reduces his prison term by five years.

In the original trial, the 50-year-old convict pleaded guilty to a second-degree murder charge involving the death of a man by strangulation in January 2010, in Tumwater, Washington. In light of the possibility of impaired judgment, the attorney has asked for a 10-year sentence, though the prosecution would like 15 years. Under Washington law, the judge can reduce a sentence below the standard range under certain circumstances.

The attorney says the brain injury his client suffered in a motorcycle accident in 2006 affected his “capacity to appreciate the wrongfulness of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of law was significantly impaired.”

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A Rock Singer, Vince Neil is set to go to jail because of his plea deal that he accepted from the Las Vegas prosecution recently. What this means is, that this celebrity rocker will be send to jail for a period of two weeks and then after that he has to undergo a two week house arrest for his DUI arrest in the previous summer.

The media told a New York Criminal Lawyer that Vince Neil was headed for this for a long time because this is not the first time he has had a run in with the law. The celebrity pled guilty and was charged with a misdemeanor for driving while he was intoxicated as he appeared before a Judge in a Las Vegas court room. A publicist for the singer told a New York Criminal Lawyer that the singer has admitted to his wrongdoing and realized that it is not safe for anyone to drive while they are intoxicated.

According to what Police reported, the accused was caught in a traffic stop while he drove his car close to a Las Vegas strip with his wife. Before the accident, it is said that he had told friends that he was sober and wanted to remain that way. He just did not want to drink anymore. In addition to being a singer, the celebrity owns two bars and tattoo shops in Las Vegas. He also is an established author. His attorney came to his defense in court and had his sentence reduced to two weeks instead of the mandatory sentence of six months. In New York and Westchester County, NY Criminal Lawyers are familiar with how to handle cases like Neil’s.

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Interstate 30 in Fort Worth, TX, was the scene of a horrific crash on March 28, that left one man dead and another man in jail accused of killing him. Shortly after about 2:30 a.m. is when local 911 operators began receiving calls of a pickup truck traveling eastbound in the westbound lanes. Within a matter of moments after those calls to 911 that the driver of that pickup truck slammed head-on into a tanker truck that had just been filled with fuel to deliver to local businesses.

As a result, of that crash, the tanker truck burst into flames and the resulting fireball rose up into the Texas night sky and could be seen for miles. The 45-year old tanker truck driver, husband and father of three children, reportedly died immediately as his truck was engulfed in flames. The driver of the pickup truck survived the crash and was allegedly charged with DWI along with a variety of other crminal charges. He was transported to the local hospital for treatment, and arrested soon after for suspicion of drunk driving.

While there can never be a valid reason to drive after you have been drinking alcoholic beverages, the suspected drunk driver has expressed genuine remorse for his actions. He was informed of what he had done by one of the local television news crews, he has apologized repeatedly for what he did and while it can never bring back the man that he allegedly killed, he has apologized to the truck driver’s family. There is a question on whether or not the driver will be charged a murderDuring his interviews with police and also with reporters, the suspected drunk driver has stated that all he remembers is that he drank 10 beers at a bar. He has stated that he has no memory of getting into his pickup truck and driving, or in how he wound up traveling the wrong direction on I-30 that night.

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A Baiting Hollow bus accident resulted in one death and eight injuries. A collision on Sound Avenue between a tractor-trailer and a school bus for special-needs children was the cause of the tragedy.

A police chief told NY Criminal Lawyers the bus was from the Maryhaven Center of Hope in Port Jefferson and the tractor trailer was carrying sand. According to him, they sideswiped each other, their control hampered by the hilly, twisting two-lane road.

The Maryhaven Center of Hope has a program for people with special needs. According to one of their dispatchers, six students and two staff members were on the bus.

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When an officer stops someone who is clearly intoxicated – smelling of alcohol, failing sobriety tests, and so forth, but refuses to allow a blood alcohol test, a police officer doesn’t really have much to go on. The officer will have to get a judge’s order to test the driver before the alcohol is gone.

Today, an officer can turn to Skype for help. Once such officer, in Palm Bay Florida, has used Skype five times between January and April of 2011, calling a judge with the internet video conferencing software.

“I typed up the warrant and connect with the judge using Skype while (the suspect) was still in the car,” the officer told New York Criminal Law Offices. It was his idea to use technology to speed up a search warrant for blood from drivers who are stopped on suspicion of impaired driving.

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