The first time, the second time, even the third time wasn’t enough for him to get the message. Nope, for one Rhode Island man it took nine times, nine, the number of men on a baseball field. Nine. Nine times he has been caught drinking and driving, said a New York Criminal Defense Lawyer. Nine driving under the influence of alcohol charges, DWI, in his lifetime. The first time was in the early 1980s and the last one was last month. Inept police, a complicated justice system, and ridiculous lawyers all got in the way, allowing him back on the road time and time again. If he was caught nine times, who knows how many times he actually drank alcohol to excess before driving.
But, maybe that will all be coming to an end, said a New York Criminal Defense Lawyer. A grand jury indicted him and he will face a formal trial soon. There was no indication the man had an attorney. Most likely, he’s a nine time loser on his way to jail for a long, long time. One can only hope. Imagine if he had killed while driving, mulled a NY Criminal Defense Lawyer. The world knows of at least nine times when he was behind the wheel of a potential death machine. And, again, there are probably hundreds of other times when he simply wasn’t caught, said a New York Criminal Defense Lawyer. Justice, hopefully, has been served.
DWI charges can result in harsh penalties especially when you are a repeat offender like the person in this report from Rhode Island. It can possibly mean jail time and if something happens where the intoxicated driver causes a fatality, the ultimate penalty can be the result.