It’s been reported that Singer Songwriter Eric Carmen was arrested for DUI / DWI last night in Ohio. In an official statement from Ohio Law enforecement which included details of the accident, the spokesperson stated that Carmen crashed his vehicle into a fire hydrant. There was no report of injuries. Carmen is known as the man that brought you ’80s hits “Hungry Eyes” and “All By Myself.”
Carmen was found next to a half-empty bottle of vodka.. The singer, who was the leader of the pop group The Raspberries handed the arresting police officers his credit card instead of a drivers license and then came up about three times the legal limit in the Buckeye State. The legal limit in OhIo is .08 BAC DWI / DUI which is the same as that in New York.
Carmen could be facing some serious consequences of this arrest as it is his second for DUI / DWI. It further appears Carmen is in need of counseling as this the amount of alcohol in his system was very near the level of alcohol poisoning and appears to be consistent with a binge drinking problem. If this situation happens to you in the New York area a New York Criminal Lawyer would be invaluable to you. This type of case especally with a prior for the same criminal charge and with a reading that high could likely end you up in jail. Not having a Lawyer could make matters worse but having the right lawyer may keep you out of jail.