New York is known for hot models, actors, actresses and in general just beautiful people walking the streets in hopes of becoming famous. The problem is, celebrity-hood does offer up immunity. It appears that a former model now has a close-up photo that begets all others. A mug shot is the ultimate in humility. And, when you commit a crime, regardless of who you are, you are going to get a dose of humility.
One of Prada’s blue-eye beauties and Forbes’ Most Successful Models found out the hard way that not only is a crime a crime, your status doesn’t change the standard of proper behavior. Just what kind of behavior has plagued the famous? In this case, it started as public drunkenness and disorderly conduct. And, before he could get himself out of trouble from one crime, he was being charged with offering to perform oral sex on a the deputy in charge. He needs a New York Criminal Lawyer.
The modeling agency that handles this model has offered to help and the model himself was not available for a statement. The model was just one of many to find himself in a jam due to inappropriate behavior. And by offering to perform sex acts in exchange for leniency of some kind, the crime is intensified and in general the whole situation is a bit more difficult to understand.
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