Articles Posted in Sex Crimes

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Prosecutors fought against a judge’s decision to let an accused rapist be released prior to trial. He has been charged with sexually assaulting a passenger on a cruise ship.

An Assistant U.S. Attorney on the case called the 19-year-old defendant a “dangerous serial child predator”. He confessed to sex with a 13-year-old girl in March aboard the cruise ship, as well as sex with two other minors, and forcing a fourth one into sex.

The young man’s attorney claims that there will be conditions to protect the public if his client is released until the trial.

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A Brooklyn man accused of the murder of his girlfriend during a domestic violence dispute sobbed apologies as police led him out of a police station in handcuffs.

“I’m sorry,” the suspect said, as he was led away from the 62nd Precinct stationhouse. “I loved [her]. I’m sorry to her family. I’m sorry for my children.”

His 34-year-old girlfriend was found dead in a bathtub in the suspect’s apartment. Prosecutors explained to a New York Criminal Lawyer that the woman had been beaten, strangled, and stabbed several times in the neck and body.

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Police sources revealed information about a man who killed his girlfriend early one morning while their 7-year-old daughter was still asleep.

The 28-year-old suspect was charged with murder in the death of his 29-year-old girlfriend. They had been arguing starting when she returned to their apartment at 4:30 a.m. after a night out.

The victim’s body was found around 6 a.m. The little girl was unhurt. The police commissioner believes the woman was strangled, but will not know for certain until a full autopsy can be performed. As for the suspect, he fled the scene of the crime, but was arrested when he returned, a short time later.

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The police department in Seattle has launched a major internal investigation into the alleged mishandling of dozens of drunken-driving cases by members of the department’s DWI Squad, according the initial reports. This means some cases will have to be placed on hold while the investigation goes on, a Long Island Criminal Lawyer explained.

A local attorney made a statement that his criminal division will go over recent and past driving-under-the-influence (DWI) cases to figure out if they may be affected by the police investigation.

Sources familiar with the matter and later confirmed by the department states that there were arrest warrants that weren’t properly filed and investigated. Moreover, it is believed that illegal searches of vehicles focused on locating guns, drugs and other contraban, according to a New York Criminal Lawyer.

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A con man, who was seen as a notorious Con Juan, used an online dating

site to scam lonely women out of their life savings. He will now be paying

a high price for his loveless actions including a lengthy prison sentence. He facing a variety of charges includign Grand Larceny

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A 40 year old man was arrested and is now facing rape charges for allegedly having sexual intercourse with a woman while she was unable to consent. Apparently as the two were in the Bronx Park Motel on Crotona Avenue in East Fordham Rd. According to a NYC Criminal Lawyer, the victim was intoxicated and the rapist proceeded to have sexual relations with her knowing that she was not in the right state of mind to consent to the act.

If you or a loved one is being charged with a sex crime, you will need an aggressive NYC Criminal Lawyer.

It is imperative for many, many reasons that you hire a New York Criminal Lawyer to defend you in your case. You will most likely be involved in a jury trial unless your case is dismissed or a plea is reached. In all these situations an attorney of experience can only be of great advantage to you in successfully reaching your goal.

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Marvell Scott was known as a sportcaster and part of the WABC Channel 7 news team. Scott, who is now a doctor, left the station over a year ago to practice sports medicine. He was recently put under arrest for allegedly raping a 14 year old child in 2008. According to a Brooklyn Criminal Lawyer, Scott met the girl and was friendly to her but denies raping her. Reports indicate that Scott allegedly worked out a financial arrangement with the girl’s friend and the girl’s pimp. They claim he had taken the two girls to his New York City apartment, where the alleged rape occurred. The 14 year old girl called her mother after the incident, who then called police. Scott has been charged with rape, child endangerment and patronizing a prostitute. If convicted, he faces up to 7 years in prison. Scott was released on $10,000.00 bail says a Brooklyn Criminal Lawyer and will be arraigned in Manhattan Supreme Court; located at 100 Centre St., New York, NY 10013.
If you or a loved one is facing a criminal charge, you will need a highly trained New York Criminal Lawyer. Failing to do this could lead to conviction and lengthy imprisonment. An experienced attorney knows the law and can help you get the justice you deserve if you are innocent of the charges.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates and its New York Criminal Lawyers and convenient locations in the New York Area including Hewlett, NY can be very helpful to you if you find yourself involved in a criminal prosecution. Facing charges without a New York Criminal Lawyer is a poor option.

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New York is known for hot models, actors, actresses and in general just beautiful people walking the streets in hopes of becoming famous. The problem is, celebrity-hood does offer up immunity. It appears that a former model now has a close-up photo that begets all others. A mug shot is the ultimate in humility. And, when you commit a crime, regardless of who you are, you are going to get a dose of humility.

One of Prada’s blue-eye beauties and Forbes’ Most Successful Models found out the hard way that not only is a crime a crime, your status doesn’t change the standard of proper behavior. Just what kind of behavior has plagued the famous? In this case, it started as public drunkenness and disorderly conduct. And, before he could get himself out of trouble from one crime, he was being charged with offering to perform oral sex on a the deputy in charge. He needs a New York Criminal Lawyer.

The modeling agency that handles this model has offered to help and the model himself was not available for a statement. The model was just one of many to find himself in a jam due to inappropriate behavior. And by offering to perform sex acts in exchange for leniency of some kind, the crime is intensified and in general the whole situation is a bit more difficult to understand.

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When three Sacred Heart University lacrosse players were accused of conspiring to sexually assault a woman in a dorm room will probably not be prosecuted. The man question is why would these young men go unpunished. Long Island Criminal Lawyers can be reached at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW for a free, no-obligation consultation in situations like this.

This case came to a screeching stop when a judge dismissed the charges against the athletes when prosecutors indicated that they probably wouldn’t pursue charges. Long Island Criminal Lawyers were key in making sure that justice was uncovered. Basically, the evidence shows that one of the athletes wasn’t even in the room and that the behavior of the others did not rise to the level of a crime.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates and its Long Island Criminal Lawyers and convenient locations in the New York Area including Roslyn, LI can be very helpful to you if you find yourself involved in a criminal prosecution. Facing charges without a Long island Criminal Lawyer is a losing option.

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When children are the victims of a crime, the general public is usually quick to react. When older children who suffer from mental challenges are the victims, sometimes the information is unclear and difficult to understand. And, what makes this situation even more difficult to understand is these young adults were in the care of people who had been convicted of a crime previously.

One 22-year-old male patient in a psychiatric center claims a worker molested him. The worker had disclosed on his application that he was an ex-convict but didn’t say that he had been convicted of a sex crime. And from all available information, this particular hospital never bothered to investigate to see exactly what the man had been convicted of prior to applying for and obtaining employment in this hospital.

Since the district attorney’s office has made the decision that this is not a prosecutable case, the victims could look for a Nassau County Criminal Lawyer from The Law Office of Steven Bilkis and Associates. These young adults are already experiencing difficulties with the general every day situations of life, and they are also easy targets for criminals.

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