It is the children whom we need to protect the most from the harm done by sex crime offenders lurking in the society today. However, it can be truly sad when the offender comes from within the basic unit of the society which is the family. According to a New York sex crime lawyer, this is case with this particular father who was charged of rape of a minor. The unnamed suspect had sex with a minor, specifically younger than 15 years old.
He was also found to be patronizing prostitution. He was sent to spend time in prison for one year and was also released after he served the required time. By 2007, the Dutchess County Department of Social Services or the DSS filed a petition involving their being negligent parents. This was because of the scenario that the released father was still an untreated sex offender while the mother was not proven to be capable of protecting her own kids from the father.
A New York criminal lawyer who did thorough research on this learned that a caseworker from the said group investigated pretty well on the family. However, he had no proper documents at that time that would prove the father was not appropriate for his own children. The wife on the other hand testified that she was completely innocent of the crimes of her on husband. It never got into her mind that her husband would be a threat to their children for she never saw him show such a negative behavior in their family. In the end though, the Family Court made a conclusion that there was clearly a negligent act on both parents.