Articles Posted in Sex Crimes

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Officers of the New York Police Department have been accused of allegedly sodomizing a man during an arrest and claims to have proof, according to a New York Criminal Lawyer. The Brooklyn man, 27, claims to have information that the police officers altered the underwear he was wearing at the time of the event.

The attorneys for the man had called for a press conference to announce the new accusation but cancelled the event when the lawyers for the police officers demanded an emergency hearing and a gag order. The police attorneys succeeded in obtaining the gag order and a federal judge requested that the Plaintiffís attorneys not release the pictures demonstrating the proof of the altered underwear.

The man claims that the police baton used at the time of his arrest would not have produced the tear that was in his underwear. If the tear was from the baton, there should be a flap of cloth in the same area but the flap is no longer present. The Plaintiffís attorneys have concluded that the underwear was altered following the arrest suggesting tampering with evidence.

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A woman in Arizona was found guilty of participating in the deaths of a father and his daughter. The killings took place in 2009. The woman, an anti-illegal immigration activist, and two men forced their way into the family’s home, claims a New York Criminal Lawyer. The two men shot and killed the man and his daughter and wounded the man’s wife. The wife survived and called the police to report the killings. She says that she misses her family and blames the woman for destroying her life.

The woman, who is the head of an anti-illegal immigration watchdog group called the Minutemen American Defense, claims she is innocent and did show any remorse for her actions during the trial. This lack of remorse may have prompted the jury to sentence her to death, reports a New York Criminal Lawyer. In addition to being convicted of first-degree murder, the woman is the third woman in Arizona currently on death row. According to the district attorney, even though the woman may not have actually shot the man and his daughter, she planned the attack and got the two men to follow through with her plans.

It is suspected that the woman suffers from emotional problems and may have been abused as a child. She claims she targeted the man because he was a suspected drug dealer. She told news reporters when asked about what she had done that no one with children should sell drugs. No drugs or other illegal substances were found at the home when police arrived on the scene. The apparent motivation for invading the man’s home was to steal jewelry, money, drugs and other items to help fund the Minutemen American Defense, says a New York City Criminal Lawyer. Jewelry belonging to the family was found by police at the woman’s home. After finding the jewelry, the woman was arrested and taken into police custody.

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This is a disturbing case in which a man under the influence of alcohol started to drive his car after his girlfriend had been arrested. He was taking over and trying to drive as there was no one else around to drive him. Sadly, the man drove his car into a tree and killed the woman’s 5-year-old boy, reported the New York Criminal Lawyer.

The ultimate result in this case was that the man was found guilty of aggravated driving under the influence and will do three to fourteen years in prison. This crash was particularly horrific in that it happened at high-speed and the little boy had no chance.

The facts of the case appear to be that the man driving the car stated that the police ordered him to drive after his girlfriend was arrested. He claims he argued with them that she was his designated ride. However, that argument didn’t go over with the police, as the girlfriend was driving with a suspended license.

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An elementary school principal has been arrested for obstructing officers. The incident occurred Monday evening as police responded to a burglary call and was in the process of arresting the boyfriend of the principal’s daughter. At some point during the time that police were on the scene, the principal became loud and belligerent which led to the accumulation of a crowd outside. It was at that point that police say they had no other choice than to arrest the principal as her commotions were arousing the gathering crowd of onlookers. The principal’s daughter has stated that her mom was only questioning the officers and had done nothing wrong.

The day following the incident, the principal was noticeably absent from school, as the local school board had placed her on suspension with pay pending an investigation, which they say is standard procedure. The local parents and students were left wondering what happened and why should the incident have led to her being suspended from her job when she was apparently doing a good job with the children. Some other parents, however, are asking some different questions, such as how can a school principal lecture their children on anger management when she cannot control her own temper.

A New York Criminal Lawyer has also learned that the principal has had some controversy in the past that was a function of her job. The resulting investigation of the on-campus spanking was inconclusive.

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It’s a tough environment these days when it comes to finding work to pay the bills. Sometimes that means taking jobs you might not normally consider, because you know you need to keep food on the table. In this case, indicated a New York City Criminal Lawyer, a former cocktail waitress found herself in a difficult situation at work. She stated in her federal lawsuit that she was fed handfuls of drugs and then expected to have sex with the customers.

There was no doubt a hostile work environment for this woman. She worked for one of the largest club operators in her area as a cocktail waitress. The work conditions just got to be too much for her and she chose to quit, move on and file a lawsuit.

The lawsuit was actually filed with several allegations in it that included assault, sexual harassment and conspiracy. Now this lady would have had a choice as to which type of lawyer she would need to file her complaint seeking compensation.

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This was a really rough case for the local community and for all those involved in the search for a missing girl. The ten-year-old had lost her hearing and one leg as she fought bone cancer, said a New York Criminal Lawyer. Unfortunately, the girl was reported missing in October. It wasn’t until November that her body parts were found. Additionally, the police felt that the girl had been missing even before she was officially called in as a missing person.

The child’s stepmother was charged with murdering, abusing and desecrating her body. The police were unable to find the girl’s head despite a massive search over two different locations. There were indications of tool marks on the bones that were found, a fact that indicates the girl was dismembered after she was dead.

Based on evidence collected over the course of the investigation, the police were able to determine that the stepmother had consistently relied on verbal, physical and psychological abuse when interacting with her step-daughter, reported the New York Criminal Lawyer. Because the woman was in a position of trust, she was able to take advantage of that to kill the girl and then hide her body to delay detection and prosecution.

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A question of individual rights regarding a child who was rumored to have been allegedly sexually abused by her father has caused great controversy in the courts and between different interest groups

In 2003 in the state of Oregon, a nine-year-old girl was suddenly removed from her public school classroom by a child protection investigator who was accompanied by a deputy sheriff. Operating under presumed intelligence that the young girl had been sexually abused by her father, the two men interrogated her for a period of approximately two hours and sought confirmation that she had in fact been sexually abused. A New York Criminal Lawyer reports that allegedly, the young girl finally confirmed their suspicions; however, at a later date she confessed that she had only given the two men an affirmation because she was afraid and wanted to escape the interrogation.

The father of the girl was arrested, but later released when charges were dropped in regards to this specific case. However, it seems that the father agreed to a plea deal that involved a different charge of sexually assaulting a minor. In response to the interrogation by the deputy and child protection investigator, the family of the young lady filed a lawsuit, which was heard in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, located in San Francisco. A Bronx Criminal Lawyer notes that the case eventually made it to the Supreme Court, following an appeal by the state of Oregon.

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A city official referred to as the “Street Czar” and entrusted with serving the community of San Diego was recently charged with a serious sex crime: he allegedly subjected an underage female to molestation, as documented by a New York Criminal Lawyer.

According to court documents, the young woman, now 21, was younger than 14 at the time of the alleged sexual misconduct charges, which happened around seven years ago. The accused city official is relatively new to his line of work, being commonly referred to as the “Street Czar” for the city of San Diego. A Bronx Criminal Lawyer notes that on February 28, the 47-year-old man pleaded not guilty in court. The exact statement from the prosecutor in the case says that the defendant allegedly enticed the then-underage victim to touch his private area, a claim that is also said to be corroborated by an external evidence source.

Though the city-employed defendant will not have to undergo jail time during the time of subsequent hearings, a New York Criminal Lawyer stated that according to an official for the city of San Diego, the defendant had been placed on “administrative leave” that does not include compensation. Upon inquiry, the legal counsel of the defendant declined to comment; at the same time, the president of a local union admitted that the arrest was “surprising”, thought went on to affirm the truth that according to American courts, a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. The union president oversees the employment and economical interests of all but 2,000 city employees in San Diego.

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A 20-year old college student has been arrested in Boulder, CO, for allegedly picking up a box that contained fake identifications, sources have told a New York Criminal Lawyer. The University of Colorado sophomore had allegedly gone to the local grocery store to pick up a box that had been delivered to the store bearing a friend’s name.

Although the young man initially told police that he simply got “caught in the middle” of his friend’s scheme to distribute fake ID’s, police soon discovered there was more to the story that what they were just told by the suspect. During a routine check for weapons, officers discovered the suspect’s wallet. Within the wallet was a fake id. This was all the arresting officers required in order to charge the youth with “suspicion of forgery, criminal possession of a forged instrument and unlawful acts,” police told the NY Criminal Lawyer.

Authorities were tipped off as to the contents of the package when the package was delivered to the a grocery store by UPS, and an employee opened the package by mistake. She discovered a total of 22 fake ID’s that were grouped in pairs for 11 people. Sources went on to inform a Staten Island Criminal Lawyer that although each of the ID’s did match a real person as well as their address, each of the ID’s listed the person as being at least 21 years of age.

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Over the past several years, DNA science has made extraordinary progress and its implementation in many criminal cases has both convicted the guilty and exonerated the innocent. A New York Criminal Lawyer has learned that one federal crime lab is struggling to keep its reputation afloat following reports that one of its more senior and experienced forensics examiners not only blotched, DNA tests, but also falsified records.

A worker at the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory, near Atlanta, is being investigated for alleged mistakes that may have allowed the guilty to go free and may have contributed to many to be wrongfully convicted of crimes they did not commit, sources tell.

Unfortunately, the problem appears to go much deeper than just one worker that was making mistakes and then attempting to cover them up. Sources alleged to a New York City Criminal Lawyer that the forensic examiner’s supervisors were not only slow to recognize his mistakes, but also wanted to keep any investigation of these mistakes in-house so that the facility would not lose its accreditation.

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