Articles Posted in Sex Crimes

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Following an undercover police investigation that resembled a Dateline type sting, deputies in Florida arrested 21 men and one woman, ages from 20 to 59, according to a New York Criminal Lawyer. The arrests are the fruition of a week long investigation that brought individuals from different parts of the state for the sole purpose of having sex with 14-year old boys and girls.

The sheriff’s office used undercover officers that posed as 14-year old children online and included age-regressed photographs of the undercover officers, a Brooklyn Criminal Lawyer was told. The deputies communicated with the suspects electronically via email, instant messages, and over the phone. The individuals are those who responded to ads placed by deputies on Craigslist. The Sheriff’s Office also worked closely with the State Attorney’s office, so that any legal issues that can often arise due to the nature of these types of investigations, most notably entrapment, could be avoided.

Following the arrests, the County Sheriff stated that he did hate to say that the investigation was fruitful. He also asked just how many more of these child predators are loose on the children in Florida that they are unaware. In the Sheriff’s own words, “The sheriffs of this state are tired of it.”

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Barry Bonds is famed for being the greatest hitter of home runs in baseball history – now he’ll be known for his criminal conviction for obstructing justice, as well.

The jury on the Bonds case was unable to come to a decision regarding whether or not Bonds lied about the use of steroids. Only the obstruction of justice charge stuck, though it is a felony charge, a New York Criminal Lawyer points out. The prosecution wanted all the charges to stick, but Bonds didn’t get what he wanted either – as a convicted felon, he cannot own a firearm, vote, or serve on a jury.

In 2003, Bonds said under oath before a grand jury that he never took performance-enhancing drugs, to his knowledge. What matters most to baseball fans is that he did take them, which makes his otherwise impressive baseball record dubious, at the very least.

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A serial killer’s graveyard was thought only to contain the bodies of women, sources told a New York Criminal Lawyer. Police were therefore shocked to find the body of an infant or a child buried there.

“One doesn’t match the others. It’s a young person, possibly as young as an infant, or a child,” one witness reported. The same source also suggested the victim may be due to another killer entirely.

There have been seven other murder victims found on that stretch of Long Island beach. Four of these people were found close to each other in December 2010 and were all confirmed to be prostitutes on Craigslist who disappeared after meeting a john. The other four, which includes the body of the child, were discovered just a few miles away. The second set of four were all within half a mile of each other. Sources explained that while the first set of four have been identified, the second set remains unknown.

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A woman from has died after being struck by a police car as she was walking home.

The 63-year-old woman was struck by a police cruiser at 10:41 p.m. on a Saturday night as she walked home during a rainstorm, family members and police told a New York Criminal Lawyer.

She was taken directly to the hospital, but was pronounced dead at 11:25 p.m. She was only a few blocks from her home when the accident occurred, during a spate of severe weather.

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As a New York Criminal Lawyer explains, criminal law is very different in the US as it is to Saudi Arabia. Saudi authorities condemn and forbid any demonstrations or protests over the way the country is run.

There is however an increasing dissatisfaction over the way that the country is run. There have been many anti-government protests over the past few months.

The government is cracking down on these protests to try and limit their impact on the country. Eye witness accounts indicated that many of the protestors were detained for taking part in the protests.

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This summary holdover proceeding is brought by the New York County District Attorney’s office under a new program created by the Prosecutor’s office and other governmental agencies designed to evict drug dealers from residential and other real property used for illegal drug trade, business or manufacture pursuant to RPAPL Section 715.

A New York Criminal Lawyer said this eviction program is the progeny of the explosion of drug related crimes which have overwhelmed the City of New York and have sent a wave of fear throughout the communities of the city. The District Attorney’s office has realized that many of the drug dealers are conducting their insidious trade directly from residential premises, with impunity, since many local residents and neighbors are in fear for their safety and lives to report such illegal activities to the authorities. The Prosecutor’s office and other City agencies realized the need for intervention.

Police officers found heroin and the total amount of $22,983.00 in the apartment of the respondents. Respondent-tenants contend that Petitioner has failed to present any evidence of illegal drug crime conducted in the premises since there was no evidence offered by Petitioner to show that any of the Respondent-tenants engaged in a sales transaction of a controlled substance nor did the police find any controlled substance in the premises.

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The Drug Enforcement Task Force initiated an investigation into an organization in Brooklyn that was purportedly selling a brand name of heroin called “Raw”. As a result of that investigation, the defendant was convicted, after trial, of selling narcotics to an undercover police officer. The detective testified that on May 17, 1988, he and a confidential informant went to 31 Patchen Avenue in Brooklyn, where they met with the defendant for the purpose of arranging a purchase of five packages of heroin. A New York Criminal Lawyer said after telephoning his connection, the defendant told the detective that the heroin would be arriving shortly. A man thereafter arrived on a motorcycle with the packages and he and the detective agreed to a purchase price of $4000. After the defendant complained, however, that he was being cut out of the deal, the man raised the price to $4700. The detective gave the man the $4700 from which $700 was given to the defendant.

After the informant contacted the defendant by beeper, he and the detective agreed to another sale. A New York Criminal Lawyer said the defendant then contacted his connection, who thereafter arrived with a brown paper bag filled with 500 glassine envelopes, which he gave to the defendant. handed over $4700 to the defendant in exchange for the bags. Although Joseph The detective attempted to deal directly with the man who brought the narcotics, the man refused to give him his beeper number. Instead, he told the detective that any dealings would have to go through the defendant.

They then returned to 31 Patchen Avenue where another man and the defendant got into the confidential informant’s car. A New York Drug Possession Lawyer said the detective and the confidential informant, then followed the other man and the defendant to Crescent and Fulton Streets, and then to 2958 Atlantic Avenue, which was a radio car repair shop. Once at this location, the defendant directed the detective inside. The man then entered the shop while the defendant remained outside. The man told the detective to get the money ready. When he returned to the shop, the man dropped the five paper bags which later were determined to contain 485 glassine envelopes of heroin, to the floor. The detective knelt down to pick them up and, while still on the ground, handed up the money. The defendant, who had entered the shop, grabbed the money from the detective, counted it and handed it over to the man.

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Because women are suppose to be physically weak there are some men who take advantage of this and physically abuse their partners, wives, daughters and others. Disturbing reports are very common, particularly domestic violence issues where the victims are the wives and the children.

On March 7, 1997, the defendant who is the ex-boyfriend of the victim attacked her in front of her apartment. She and her three daughters where coming home from the supermarket when the defendant attacked from behind. The victim then was wheeling the baby carriage when the attack began and her two older daughters who were 7 and 12 years old were frightened by what they saw and began to cry. The victim’s face smashed against the fence and the baby carriage was knocked over. The defendant was very angry because the victim filed a complaint against him previously and put him in jail apparently because of domestic violence.

The defendant then grabbed the victim by the back and neck and ordered her to open the door knocking her head on the door in the process. The children followed behind, the older children carrying the baby inside. Upon entering the apartment, it is very fortunate that the children know where they will go. They went straight to their bedroom and stayed there while the defendant continuously assaulted the victim. They could hear him verbally abused their mother. The defendant also beat the victim using his hands, feet and a metal pipe. The defendant’s terror lasted 10 hours. The horror that the children experienced while they were trapped inside their bedroom has left them traumatized for a long time. They were afraid for their safety and afraid for their mother’s safety as well. All along the defendant was threatening the victim that he will leave her children motherless because of what she did to him before.

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Domestic violence whether we admit it or not has been a problem of society even during the early days. Unfortunately, the ultimate victims of this crime are the children. Often times a third party has to step in because both parents are incapable of recognizing that they are in a very menacing situation. Social Welfare may have to step in when the mental, physical and emotional development of the children are being compromised. A New York Criminal Lawyer can explain that social welfare acts as a government arm that ensures the children are safe and not in any kind of danger.

This case is all about domestic violence. The parents has been identified as people who keep on engaging in domestic violence and neither one has the capacity to get out of the vicious cycle of hurting each other. Friends, relatives, neighbors, police officers and even work colleagues have been asked to testify by the court. This procedure was necessary in order to establish a pattern that the parents have been continuously engaging in domestic violence for over 10 years already.

As a result, their eldest daughter has been diagnosed with enuresis or most commonly known as bedwetting at the age of six. The parents along with the eldest daughter were called in to undergo an evaluation at the a county mental health clinic because of their problem with their eldest. Apparently it was found out that the eldest has been playing “referee” or “peace maker” for her parents who were arguing most of the time. These arguments often end up in physical confrontations.

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There’s nothing sadder than a mother maltreating her own children. This case is about a mother who inspite of having four children already, still didn’t have the maternal instinct to care for her kids. She has two kids from her first partner and twins with a man reported to have been physically and emotionally abusing her.

It was determined by the court and by the Social Welfare Department that the mother has actually sexually abused her eldest son. The court and the Social Welfare Officers are trying to establish if the mother’s behaviour is a result of domestic violence that was brought about by the father of the twins.

The mother has gone through a lot of counselling and therapy. She has also undergone sexual offender therapy because of what she has done to her eldest son. This is very disturbing because this is not a common case. It is not every day that we hear that mothers are involved in sex crimes against their son or daughter. She had actually completed all of the seminars, counselling and therapies except for the sex offender therapy. The reason for this is she refused to admit what she had done.

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